My name is Celia. Here is a little bit about me; I am currently a sophomore in college. I am an actress, and overall creative person. On this blog I write about movies, music, and theatre.
My blogging journey...
I started blogging in 2010. Back then I would post about random things with a blog that I shared with my sisters. Over time I have had many other blog that have featured photography, art, writing, and more cringy topics than you can count.
I took a break from blogging for a while, but recently I wanted to get back into it. Since social medias have become more popular I have missed the creativity and community that comes with blogging. I missed how individual a blog can be. For a while I would do free blog designs for people, and I miss that personal design aspect.
On this blog I write reviews about movies, music, and mostly theatre. Last year I started regularly seeing the Broadway shows that come to my city, and I fell in love with them. I found that I always have something that say about the shows I see, and that a blog was the perfect place to share those thoughts.
-Celia Boldizar