What can I say about Les Miserables that someone hasn't already said?
When I think back to last year, I remember a time that I experienced an amazing story, breathtaking moments, and a wonderful night at the theatre with my sister.
My sister actually read the novel before we saw the musical. She often wants to know about things before she sees them. I, on the other hand, love going into something knowing the least I can about it. I want to be really seeing the story for the first time. If you know what is going to happen it takes away from the story. I like to be told a story.
Everything about Les Miserables was spot on. It was exactly as it need it to be. I could go into the details, but as a whole it was perfect.
One of the funniest moments was in the beginning when Jean Valjean was being held by the guards. A guard kicked him to the ground, but the amount of effort put into the kick was not equal on both sides. Jean Valjean had such a strong reaction, yelling out and falling to the ground dramatically, yet the guard's kick appeared very light. My sister and I both thought it was the funniest part of the show, and for some reason it is what we both think of when remembering this show together. It is the little moments like this that stick out in my memory.
Les Miserables made my breath catch in my lungs, and my heart swell in my chest. Moments like when Javert was falling though the air, or at the end of act one when the whole ensemble was singing and they were waving that flag were breathtaking.
When the lights came up, my sister and I looked at each other, both of our faces just absolutely glowing.
-Celia Boldizar
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